We all know that the Mercedes-Benz 600 was one of the few vehicles that were favored by dictators, but Elvis Presley was a fan of the vehicle as well. Based on recent reports it has been discovered that the King actually owned two 1969 Mercedes-Benz 600s, and one of them is now up for grabs.
As for the history of the vehicle, Elvis ordered a brand new version from a Hollywood dealership at the price of $15,500 and took the delivery on Dec 15, 1970. The vehicle was kept in his estate in Memphis, Tennessee for several years before he decided to hand over the keys to Jimmy Velvet as a gift.
When Presley passed away, Velvet stored the vehicle in his Elvis Presley museum, however the car was later sold to the CEO of Dollar General. He spent a total of $36,000 on refreshing the brakes, suspension, and exhausts back in the 1990s.
The vehicle was later bought by its current owner in 2002 and it currently shows a total of 60,500 miles, 2000 of which were added by the current owner.
The 1969 Mercedes Benz 600 was powered by a 6.3-liter V-8 and gave a total of 300 horsepower and 434 pound-feet torque to the rear wheels, all which went through a 4-speed automatic transmission.
For its time, the vehicle was without a doubt fairly sophisticated. It boasted hydraulic suspension as well as hydraulic central locking and seat adjustments as well. It also came equipped with separate front and rear climate controls.
Presley also owned other models of the same variant that was finished in powder blue. The vehicle was sold for a whopping price of $187,390 at the auction in 2010, and has a current bid of $167,000.
Image Source – https://www.google.com/search?q=1969+Mercedes+Benz+600+Elvis+&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjO49jBkY_uAhUHohoKHfKMD2IQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=1969+Mercedes+Benz+600+Elvis+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECAAQHjoECAAQGFCoZli-cWCtcmgAcAB4AIABjwKIAeYJkgEDMi01mAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=wMf5X86DE4fEavKZvpAG&bih=591&biw=506&client=firefox-b-d#imgrc=xTMQhhyqoBZoCM&imgdii=U4I9d8pD-ohfPM